Join farm writers from around the world in Alberta this summer!
The Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation (CFWF) invites IFAJ members to the 2023 IFAJ World Congress in Olds, Alberta, Canada, just north of the prairie city of Calgary and not far from the beautiful Rocky Mountains. The congress, under the theme New Frontiers in the Wild West, will be held June 27-July 3, 2023.
In Alberta, visitors will surely see plenty of wheat, barley and canola and eat lots of local beef and bison. But there’s much, much more. Potatoes. Sugar beets. Pulses like lentils and peas. Vegetables. Honey. And a food scene that’s as diverse as the farmers, processors and chefs who drive it.
A pre-congress tour hosted by the British Columbia Farm Writers’ Association will bring guests through the beautiful coastal region over the Rockies between June 23 and 27.
Mark your calendar, visit for details…and make sure you check out the beautiful video!

The world is coming to Olds!
Canada is hosting members of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists in Olds, Alberta this summer. There’s still time to register!